di Jerszy Seymour


venerdì 24 gennaio ore 21


Acting as design, design as new world, new world as perspective,
perspective as thought, thought as acting.

Un comedia de la vita
A workshop with Jerszy Seymour, Martin Rother, Tanja Seiner
and Oliver Vogt with students of the Kunsthochschulekassel

Presentation on saturday on various places in Naples, Italy


Una delegazione di artisti, designers e performers europei sono arrivati in questi giorni a Napoli.
Una delle loro prime tappe in città è stato l’ex Asilo Filangieri.
Chiedevano ospitalità, avevano fame di curiosità e sete di bellezza.
L’asilo li ha ospitati, sfamati e abbeverati.
Tra venerdì 24 e sabato 25 gennaio invaderanno la città per con improvvisazioni di performances site specific.
Il primo happening, una performance video-audio digitale, avrà luogo venerdì 24 gennaio alle 21 all’ Ex Asilo Filangieri con Jerszy Seymour, visual artist, designer e performe canadese.
Stay tuned!!!

In these days a delegation of european artists, designers and performers have arrived in Naples.
One of their first stop in their journey around the city, was the Ex Asilo Filangieri.
They were looking for hospitality, hungry for curiosity and thirsty for beauty.
L’asilo took care of them, feed them and water them.
In between Friday, 24th and saturday, 25th January , they will literally invade the city with improvised site specific performances.
The first happening will take place Friday, 24th in the Ex Asilo Filangieri around 21 o’clock, with Jerszy Seymour a Canadian visual artist, designer and performer.
Stay tuned!!!

Sabato 25 gennaio potrete seguire le performance itineranti in città seguendo questo percorso:

(on saturday 25th january you can assist the performances that develop throughout the city on the path as following)

h 13 “Viaggio Di Arancia”, Piazza San Gaetano

h 15 “Transafari”, da metroToledo in viaggio verso metroDante

h 16 “Beyonce”, Piazza Dante

h 17 “O’ Layercake”, Piazza Bellini

h 19 “iKruki”, Piazza Bellini

#apparecchioper essere felici!

Born in Berlin in 1968, Canadian. Jerszy Seymour grew up in London, where he studied engineering at South Bank Polytechnic 1987 -1990 and industrial design at the Royal College of Art 1991 – 1993.

Whilst living in Milan he started his own experimental projects including ´House in a Box´ in 2002, ´Scum´ in 2003 – and the clothing concept ´Tape´ in 2003. These and other on going experimental and conceptual projects form the central thrust of his work. In parallel he has also designed for companies including Magis, Vitra, Kreo, Moulinex, SFR and IDEE.

His work has been exhibited in the Design Museum in London, the Vitra Design Museum in Basel and Berlin, the Palais De Tokyo in Paris and Gallery Kreo in Paris. His work is held in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the ´Fonds National de Art Contemporain´ France and the ´Musee d´Art Grand-Duc Jean´ Luxembourg. In 2005 he was guest of honour at Design Brussels where he created the Brussels Brain installation. In 2007 the project Living Systems was part of the ´´My Home´´ exhibition at the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein. In 2008 he realized the installation ´´First Supper´´ for the MAK in Vienna.

He has taught at the Royal College of Art in London, the Domus Academy in Milan, the ECAL in Lausanne, the HfG in Karlsruhe and the Vitra Design Workshops in France. Currently he holds a guest-professorship at the HBK Saar.



All’Ex Asilo Filangieri i concerti, gli spettacoli, le proiezioni, gli incontri sono ad ingresso libero. E’ gradito un contributo a piacere che serve ad abbattere delle spese minime e a dotare gli spazi dell’Ex Asilo Filangieri dei mezzi di produzione necessari ai lavoratori dello spettacolo e dell’immateriale per produrre arte e cultura.

L’ex Asilo Filangieri si trova in vico Giuseppe Maffei 4 San Gregorio Armeno (Napoli)
